Monday, January 10, 2011

Heart-Friendly Exercise Advice

Exercising regularly isn't only good for your waistline — it's also one of the best things you can do for your heart.

By becoming just a little more active, you'll decrease your heart disease risk factors and increase your longevity. Being sedentary is actually a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Don't think, though, that you have to become a marathon runner to see such benefits. Small increases in cardiovascular fitness through short bouts of exercise can lead to significant improvements in the health of your heart.

What sort of exercise is best? You need two types: aerobic exercise and strength training.

Aerobic Exercise for Heart Health
Although aerobic exercise can include bicycling, swimming, jogging, and aerobic classes, walking may be one of the best activities. That's because you can do it anywhere, and you need little equipment outside of a good pair of shoes. It helps people improve fitness levels and endurance capacity, and it burns calories to aid in weight loss. Walking can lower your blood pressure, improve your cholesterol levels and your body's ability to handle glucose or sugar, and reduce your risk of diabetes.

Aim to do 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least four to five days a week, or 20 minutes of vigorous activity three times a week.

If 30 minutes sounds too daunting at first, you can get the same benefits by doing three 10-minute bouts each day. For instance, maybe you walk your dog for 10 minutes in the morning, take a 10-minute stroll at lunch, and walk for another 10 minutes after dinner. Then, schedule some time for strength training, which will complement — but not replace — the aerobic part of your exercise program.

Strength Training for Heart Health
Strength training boosts muscular strength and endurance; helps your body handle blood sugars; reduces blood pressure; and increases lean body mass, which can help prevent weight gain.
As you age, you lose lean body mass and gain fat mass. However, when you do strength training, you maintain lean body mass and prevent weight gain. Do strength training for your entire body 2-3 times a week.

Pair your strength training and aerobic activities with a heart-friendly diet and you'll be well on your way to building a stronger, healthier heart.

Caution: If you have been sedentary for a while, check with your physician before starting any exercise regimen.

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