Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011 Resolutions

What are your 2011 resolutions?

Lose weight? Get fit? Increase your energy? Build Muscle? Enjoy Life?

I have a number of resolutions this year. The main one though is to enjoy my life, and try new things. One of my friends often says that your body is a byproduct of the life you live. I'm starting to believe that is true more and more, as each day passes. Live a full life, try different things, stay active and keep fit, and your body will show this lifestyle. You will be strong, healthy, and happy.

But you know what?...If eating lots of rich food, drinking lots of booze, and taking in no exercise is what you enjoy in life, and you have no desire to change it. Then do it! If it makes you happy, and does not hurt other people in the process, then you should be able to enjoy your life however you want to!

BUT if you do want to makes some lifestyle changes in 2011. Do it! Don't sit around talking about it. Make the change you want to see in yourself. You're the only one who can.

Follow along with BroncoFit this year. I promise to have workout routines, healthy eating tips, and everything wellness posted daily to help you along your journey, and achieving your 2011 goals!

PS - Oh, and just in case you are wondering what the rest of my 2011 resolutions are:
- Loose 5 more pounds, and keep it off. (I was successful in loosing 5 lbs over the holidays)
- Wake up earlier in the mornings to get another workout in before the office.
- Manage my finances better.

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Via: TakePart.com