Friday, January 14, 2011

Are You Properly Hydrated?

We all know that we need our 8-10 glasses of water everyday to stay properly hydrated, right?!?!
But how exactly do you know if you are getting enough of that good clear stuff? Are you counting each glass of water? What if you are really busy, or forget how many glasses of water you've consumed? Fret not my pretty pretty readers! I've devised a plan to help your hydration stay on track!

Think of it as doing "shots" of water, all day to keep your gears oiled. Each "shot" or dose of water consist of a 4-6 oz serving, 8 times a day. What exactly is a 4-6 oz serving of water you ask? Just check out the picture, I measured in a small rock glass for you!

And here is how you know when to take your shots of water:

1st) Shot when you get out of bed.
2nd) Shot before breakfast (yes you should be eating breakfast!).
3rd) Shot mid morning (with a snack of fruit if you are a bit peckish).
4th) Shot with Lunch.
5) Shot with mid-afternoon snack (if you're hungry).
6) Shot with dinner.
7) Shot 1hr after dinner.
8) Shot before bed.

You've just consumed your daily recommended amount of water! Doesn't that feel good? :)

Did you also know what you can loose weight by being properly hydrated? It's true! When you drink enough water daily your body does not retain water which can make you look and feel heavy and bloated. It also actually helps to flush out toxins, and fat cells in your blood stream. Not to mention it's excellent for clear skin!

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