Thursday, March 31, 2011

Benefits of Eating Protein

We all know that protein is important. It plays a number of different roles in the body: it repairs body cells, builds and repairs muscles and bones, provides a source of energy, and controls many of the important processes in your body related to metabolism. But that's not all.

Protein can also help you make better food choices. Eating protein at each meal helps you feel fuller longer, which means that you won't reach for high-fat or high-sugar foods throughout the day because you're feeling hungry!

The best types of protein you can consume are (rated from leanest and lowest calories):
  • Seafood (Clams, muscles, oysters, shrimp, crab, lobster)
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Eggs
  • Lamb
  • Pork
  • Beef


  1. where on this list do vegetarian options lay? like soy, tofu or beans, etc? At the end I assume?

  2. What are you a Vegetarian now Joel? I don’t actually believe in being a vegetarian. Human beings are by nature, biologically wired to be omnivores - Eating both meats, eggs, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Animal protein is an extremely important building block in our dietary needs. And honestly without it, we cannot perform to our optimal range. If you don’t believe me, read this article:

    BUT with that said, I know that people make choices in their daily diet. So alternate protein sources are:

    - Chickpeas
    - Lentils
    - Beans
    *All are low fat, high protein/fiber legumes. But also come with a lot of starch carbohydrates.

