Monday, March 21, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being or Looking Tired?

Whatever your reasons for not getting enough sleep — partying, studying, or dreaded insomnia — there are days when morning just comes way too early. But before you reach for a triple espresso (a recent study from the U.K. found that the buzz we get from caffeine may be more mental than chemical, anyway) try these tips for looking and feeling awake and refreshed:
1) Take a cold shower. Not a hot shower. Cold helps shrink inflammation and puffiness and will help shrink veins in your eyes so they'll look less bloodshot. Plus, the invigorating temperature will help wake you up.

2) If you know you're going to have a long night and an early morning, avoid eating any salty foods after 6:00 pm, and sleep with your head propped up on pillows to help fluids drain. Sodium makes you retain water, and if you get bloated and then lie down, the water will redistribute to your face, including your eyelids. The result: bags and droopy lids that are a clear sign you didn't get enough shut-eye.

3) One stretch to try: a wall hang. Stand with your back a few inches away from a wall. With your feet shoulder distance apart, rest your butt on the wall, and fold forward at the hips, allowing your torso and head to dangle toward the floor. Hold on to opposite elbows and let the weight of your arms elongate your spine. Stay for five deep breaths, then release your arms and curl up through the spine to return to a standing position.

4) Certain scents stimulate the brain and can make you feel more awake and refreshed. Three that do the trick: jasmine, which increases beta waves (the brain waves associated with alertness), and citrus and peppermint scents, which induce wakefulness by stimulating the trigeminal nerve (the same nerve that's activated when you're revived with smelling salts). So peel and eat an orange for breakfast, deeply inhale as you drink a cup of peppermint tea, or lather up with a citrus-scented body wash in the shower.

5) Keeping fresh flowers in your home can make you feel more energetic, enthusiastic, and happy at work. What better excuse do you need to treat yourself to some stems?

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