Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bad "Situation"

The key to success on any fitness program is having a game plan for every situation that might throw you off course. It isn't brain surgery — it's common sense. Think of yourself as being on a mission: If you take the time to think ahead, you can come up with ways to combat every situation. Here are a few surefire strategies:

Go through your kitchen and throw out all the junk food and processed garbage immediately. (Hey, you can't eat it if it's not there!) Don't buy these foods anymore — just eliminate them from your kitchen entirely. Even if you have to put up with a little whining from your partner or the kids (if you have any), they're better off not eating that crap (tell them I said so!). Reacquaint yourself with your local supermarket, find the healthy sections, and try to avoid the foods that make you feel powerless.

If you run into trouble at the office, make an effort to avoid the high-voltage areas. If there is a vending machine in the kitchen or if the cafeteria features overly fattening foods, stay away from these places. Bring healthy snacks and meals from home to stash in your desk. Do whatever you can to steer clear of anything that might throw you off course and hamper your success.

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Via: TakePart.com