Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fight the Temptation

Temptation is an evil, evil, evil emotion! It's like the Devil has manifested in your brain, and is forcing you to pick up that doughnut, or Big Mac! Fight it! Fight the fatty food possession!

OK, enough negative scary Sci-Fi talk. The reality is that it's really hard to fight temptation, and uncontrollable cravings. So I recommend not fighting it! I know, how stupid is that coming from a Personal Trainer right?
It's not that crazy actually. You just need to control the portion, and moderate your craving.

So say you have a huge craving for something sweet and sugary. Instead of ordering a dozen doughnuts, chocolate cake, or candy. Opt for one tiny Tim Horton's Tim-Bit, piece of dark organic chocolate,  or mini cupcake. These small snack size sweet treats will satisfy your craving, and also not completely derail your summer body sculpting efforts! A mini cup cake is only about 190-200 calories. And a Tim-bit is like 100-120. So affordable if the rest of your days diet has been super healthy.

What if you're craving something salty, or savory? I would recommend nuts. Salty nuts are a great healthy alternative to potato chips, and a whole lot more filling. Also, try brown rice chips. They taste almost like potato chips, but again are much healthier for you. They come in a wide variety of tasty flavours, and are very crunchy for those who like a fibrous snack.

And finally, what if you're craving a hamburger? I'm a huge sucker for McDonald's Big Mac's. What do I do if I'm craving a Big Mac? It's not often, maybe once or twice a month. Which is totally fine if you're exercising regularly BTW. But I usually go for a single McDonald's cheeseburger, which is about 220-250 calories. A lot better for me than the 550 calories in a Big Mac. Another option is to make your own healthy Veggie or Turkey burgers at home with a non-bun, or whole wheat bun. Try this recipe for a smart burger option.

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Via: TakePart.com