Monday, April 9, 2012

Digestive Problems?

Do you ever have that feeling of being "backed up"? Or maybe you have gas, cramps, pain, diarrhea, and bloating more often than not? It's a common side effect of many of the foods we eat today. Choose food wisely if you feel that you have a sensitive digestive track.

Here are a list of foods that inhibit proper digestion.

  1. Dairy Products - Cheese, Milk, Ice Cream & Yogurt. It has to do with the high sugar & fat content. Plus our bodies are not made to break down dairy products after infancy.
  2. Spicy Foods
  3. Acidic Foods - like citrus fruit, and tomatoes. Too much citrus fruit can cause problems.
  4. Fatty Foods
  5. Fried Foods
  6. Processed Foods - Like white bread. They lack fiber.
  7. Artificial Sweetener - Sorbitol, which can be found in gum, diet foods, and some fruit like apples & peaches. It's very hard for your body to digest, and when it enters the large intestine, can cause gas.
  8. Alcohol
  9. Caffeine - Causes gastrointestinal track motility - basically is speeds everything up, which can cause diarrhea.
  10. Sweet or Salty - You're body doesn't like digesting foods that are super sweet, or super salty.
  11. Spoiled Foods - DUH!

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