Friday, October 28, 2011

Shoulder Shaping

Shoulder exercises are a popular part of resistance workouts. Working out while facing a mirror, many people train what they can see — the front and middle heads of the three-part deltoid muscle. But the rear head of the deltoid needs attention too. Otherwise, you'll have unbalanced strength in your shoulders, which can set you up for a rotator cuff injury.

Let's take some time to target the backs of your shoulders with bent-over shoulder raises. Here's how:
  1. Sit on the edge of a chair or workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward at the waist so that your upper body is parallel with the floor. Let your arms hang straight down under your chest, with your palms facing inward towards each other. Exhale and raise the dumbbells, pulling your arms apart, up and out, until they are parallel with the floor. Hold for a beat.
  2. Inhale and slowly lower your arms back to the starting position; repeat. Keep a slight bend in your elbows throughout the entire movement. Be careful not to lift your torso when you raise the weights.

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