Monday, October 15, 2012

Creatine. Does it work?

There has been a lot of back and forth regarding the effectiveness of creatine. Some say it works. Others condone it's abilities. But can creatine actually help you build substantial muscle mass, make bigger gains, effectively repair damaged muscle fibers, or increase stamina and strength? So far general consensus is that it can. If used properly, and for the correct type of fitness expectations, creatine is an excellent tool for your goals.

Research shows that creatine is most effective in high-intensity training and explosive activities. This includes weight training and sports that require short bursts of effort, such as sprinting, football, and baseball. It can also be utilized by non-professional athletes and regular Joe's & Jane's who participate in high level/intensity cardio programs like bootcamp, spinning, and muscle conditioning programs.

 Creatine can also...

1) Make up for lost sleep.
2) Combat muscle pain.
3) Turn back the clock on aging.
4) Recover faster.
5) Optimize Vegetarian diets.

Some things to consifer when taking a creatine supplement...

1) Micronized creatine monohydrate is the best option.
2) Can be taken pre/during/post workout.
3) Begin with 2 grams per day. And increase to 5-10 grams per day after two weeks.

You should always make sure taking any supplement is right for you. Do your research, and weight the pros & cons.

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