Friday, March 9, 2012

TV is Good for You

Okay, that is a bit of a white lie. But you can learn a lot from watching educational television shows. Not that reality crap.

Here is what I learned last night watching TV...

  • Eating too fast can make you gain weight. YES, this is very true. When you eat, your intestine secretes a enzyme that absorbs nutrients. The main function of this enzyme is actually to signal the brain when you've had enough food. So if you eat too quickly, you will over eat, and the signals will not reach the brain in time to tell you to stop.

  • Marinating your beef in rosemary and/or herb spices will lower the carcinogens in the meat when you cook it. True! When we cook beef at high temperatures there is a process that happens to the molecules which turns them into free radicals (or something bad like that). When you ingest the beef, these free radicals attach themselves to cells, which could potentially cause a cancer cell. Using Rosemary, and/or herb spices lowers the risk by a staggering 79-88% !! The herbs actually have antioxidants in them which absorb the free radicals during cooking. So you absorb less when you eat. Plus, the herbs and rosemary add a wonderful flavour!

  • Washing your hands in hot water kills bacteria. Wrong! To effectively kill bacteria on your hands, you'd need to wash your hands in water that is 110 degrees. Which is obviosuly WAY to hot for your hands. BUT what does effectively kill bacteria on your hands is soap! Duh! Now, some people say that antibacterial soap works better at removing germs on your hands than regular soap. In fact, this is not true. Regular soap and antibacterial soap remove the same amout of germs. There is no difference!

Who knew TV could teach you so much?!

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